struct Foo{
char a[32]; // 32 and above will produce warning, but 31 and below will not
char d[9]; // 9 and above will produce warning, but 8 and below will not
int main()
struct Foo foo = {0};
return 0;
$ arm-eabi-gcc -Wstack-protector -fstack-protector-all -fstack-check -o test test.c
test.c: In function ‘main’:
test.c:6:5: warning: stack protector not protecting local variables: variable length buffer [-Wstack-protector]
int main()
实际代码中的结构体类似上文的 Foo ,我不能改,但是 main 我可以改,请问怎么改 main 能解决这个 warning ?
各位也可以去 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70133887/how-can-i-fix-warning-stack-protector-not-protecting-local-variables-variable 上回答,我 Google 了一圈都没找到怎么解。
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