每次看 iOS Email 客户端的帖子,就发现一堆人推荐 Spark 。没有明白的一点是:V2 一堆人在意隐私,Spark 的隐私条款明明白白就是有储存你的 Email 的 credential 啊.
Spark: For services like Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo, we store an application-specific token. For services like AOL, Exchange and custom IMAP accounts, this access token is your email login and password.
Canary: In order to function properly, Canary Mail for Mac, iOS, and Android accesses your name, email address, credentials (such as OAuth access tokens for email servers which support them), and email content. This information is stored on your device and is never shared with 3rd parties. We may store your email address in order to contact you regarding important security and / or product updates.
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