There is no hard and fast rule that you should know everything in this world. It is unlikely and not possible, especially in SAP no one is assumed to know everything.
You should document all processes, procedures, hardware changes, configuration changes, checks, problems errors and so on, because SAP is so large and complex you cannot know everything or remember everything, documentation comes in handy when you are called in the middle of the night and are half asleep, it makes life so much easier just to pickup a documented process and follow that then to try and think on your feet.
R/3进化多年 UI仍然有历史的厚重感 当然也可以用ABAP Dev tool (on Eclipse)来写,不过代码还是得在netweaver上跑的,所以没啥意义... 明显的巨大缺陷之一是没有全系统的代码检索(不考虑TREX,不是每个dev都愿意自己花effort去配置TREX的)
2013-09-17 13:51:31 +08:00
@Livid sometimes merely CRUD requirement prevents developers from creating NEW things but most of the time it actually PROTECTS them from doing so, instead, cheaply reproducing procedures, which is prevalent on enterprise information system.