[上海-浦东-世纪大道] [内推] [965] Autodesk 欧特克急招全职研发(前端/后端/Mobile/UX/QA)

2022-01-26 13:59:20 +08:00
典型的美资外企,团队氛围很好,同事关系简单,平时工作时间 9:30 - 6:00 ,入职即送 RSU ,疫情期间还有很多同事仍在家办公。可以选择多种工作模式。

不了解的可以百度谷歌 Autodesk 或 欧特克。

如果注重 work life balance ,相信 Autodesk 不会让你失望。疫情以来,每年除了保底 15 天年假,公司还额外赠送了 10 天年假。



基本职位信息参考之前发的帖: https://www.v2ex.com/t/821092

目前新出来了一批职位包括 Java C# UX (Principal & Arch)。

具体职位可以微信搜索公众号 “欧特克中国研究院”或扫以下二维码,告诉我相应的职位 ID 即可,正常一两天内就有用人部门的反馈。

2136 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
5 条回复
2022-01-26 14:52:35 +08:00
居然有 Java 了!
2022-01-26 14:56:47 +08:00
想问下,QA 对英文要求高嘛
2022-01-26 15:28:58 +08:00
@eaglewangl37670 是的 Java 职位一般不多 只有几个做 service team 在招

@d873139022 用到的一般只有工作邮件 口语能简单沟通
2022-02-07 04:14:12 +08:00
没有 python 岗位吗?
2022-02-07 15:52:17 +08:00
@palx DevOps


Design, implement, and improve package and automation system

Design, implement, improve build system for products and services in Windows and Linux

Design, implement, and improve productivity tools to improve the efficiency

Manage Infrastructure system for each stage of DevOps

Quickly respond to troubles on each stage of DevOps

Collaborate with international cross-functional teams

Minimum Qualifications

BS or above degree in Computer Science related to fields

3 or more years’ experience

Experiences or big interest on DevOps

Keep Curious and adaptable

Good sense of responsibility and commitment

Strong troubleshooting and critical thinking skills

High programming skills on Python, or another programming language

Good writing and oral English

Preferred Qualifications

Experience with MSI/Installer is a big plus

Experience with infrastructure management in AWS or Azure is a big plus

Experience with platform/data insights is a big plus

Experience with automation testing is a good plus

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