坐标上海陆家嘴 IFC,小而美的车联网云平台(Ford Group 旗下), 1 枚 C++/ 1 枚 SRE( Python or Golang)/1 枚 技术产品经理 了解一下,薪资不设上限, 965 福利好!

2022-01-28 12:31:55 +08:00

代朋友转发的(非常可爱热情的 HR 小姐姐),非常人性化的硅谷高科技公司,现已属于福特集团旗下全资子公司~ 官网链接有详细公司背景&产品介绍: https://autonomic.ai/ ,朝九晚六绝无 996 ,福利待遇都非常人性化~

面试 3+1 轮:1 on 1 coding test ( 80-90mins 两道题)-参照 Leetcode 中级难度-》现场中国区技术 head 面谈-》北美技术官 Zoom 沟通-》中国区 MD 终面(不聊技术),英语需可用作工作语言~ JD 如下: ★★★★★Software Engineer (1) Job Description ● Fast prototyping with different tech stacks (C++, Java, Go) ● Build internal and customer-facing tooling to empower better developer UX ● Build tests for components and services to ensure good coverage ● Build microservices in a large scale distributed system ● Build great software in a fast paced, dynamic environment ● Document proposals, designs, APIs, insights, best practices for internal and external sharing ● Own and contribute to CI/CD pipelines, Kubernetes cluster deployment manifests, shared libraries (2) Minimum Requirements ● Experienced in developing mid-to-large sized software projects with C++, Java or Go. ● Ability to quickly adopt and develop in a new tech stack. ● Agile software development practitioner: test driven development, continuous integration, continuous delivery and familiar with Scrum or XP. ● Computer Science or related major ● 3-5 years working experience ● English as working language

★★★★★SRE Build internal and customer-facing tooling to empower better developer UX Build tests for components and services to ensure good coverage Build microservices in a large scale distributed system Build great software in a fast paced, dynamic environment Document proposals, designs, APIs, insights, best practices for internal and external sharing Own and contribute to CI/CD pipelines, Kubernetes cluster deployment manifests, shared libraries Experienced in maintaining a Kubernetes cloud environment Familiar with infrastructure automation tools such as Terraform, Ansible, Kops English as working language Ability to quickly adopt and develop in a new tech stack Build internal and customer-facing tooling to empower better developer UX Build tests for components and services to ensure good coverage Build microservices in a large scale distributed system Build great software in a fast paced, dynamic environment Document proposals, designs, APIs, insights, best practices for internal and external sharing Own and contribute to CI/CD pipelines, Kubernetes cluster deployment manifests, shared libraries ★★★基本要求: Bachelor's Degree or higher in Computer Science or related major 3+ years+ working experience Experienced in maintaining a Kubernetes cloud environment Familiar with infrastructure automation tools such as Terraform, Ansible, Kops English as working language Ability to quickly adopt and develop in a new tech stack ★★★加分项: Expertise in one or more of following areas: Cloud Infrastructure and Architecture, Kubernetes, AWS You are a polyglot developer

★★★★★Product Manager 技术开发 /测试 /运维出身,非常熟悉微服务 /容器化 or K8S 转产品满 1 年以上,但希望是 B 端平台产品,基于公有云的产品 or app-Vehicle 互联类的 统本学历,英语可以跟北美 stakeholder 沟通

任何关于职位的咨询,可以跟帖提问或微信我:Nivi002 谢谢关注和支持!

2032 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
6 条回复
2022-01-28 12:38:49 +08:00
特此备注:产品经理不考 Coding test
2022-01-28 13:35:04 +08:00
排下版吧 看的眼睛疼
2022-02-07 11:45:48 +08:00
@soulzz 不好意思啊,发布了改不了了,,,就一共 3 个 HC ,有想法随时留言或微信咨询哦,,,谢谢关注!
2022-02-09 15:28:40 +08:00
2022-02-10 19:04:37 +08:00
又是一天,铁汁们,呼唤 SRE ,C++的铁汁们~
2022-02-25 12:58:34 +08:00
老铁们好,产品经理方向有变,AWS 架构方向的一名,智能车-车机端互联方向一名,谢谢大家关注

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