DMIT 的洛杉矶 gg 了

2022-02-17 11:50:34 +08:00
waltcow  waltcow

DMIT 的洛杉矶的机房今天早上 gg 了,v 友有推荐的 GIA CN2 vps 推荐吗

2605 次点击
所在节点   宽带症候群  宽带症候群
7 条回复
2022-02-17 14:39:42 +08:00
2022-02-17 16:06:34 +08:00
@noahzh 下了 bt , 被屏蔽 3 天了
2022-02-17 22:43:53 +08:00
@waltcow 为何用 DMIT 下载 BT ?
2022-02-18 08:46:34 +08:00

由于 CoreSite 机房 LA1 与 LA2 之间的光缆断了,DMIT LAX 机房网络暂时可能会受到一定影响

There is a major fiber cut between CoreSite LA1 and CoreSite LA2.
This led to DMIT CoreSite in-campus backbone failure.
By this, DMIT Los Angles network performance will be temporarily impacted.

Log from CoreSite NOC
Message Time Zone: EST.

- Feb 16 8:51PM
We are currently investigating a possible Fiber Cut between our LA1 and LA2 facility. Our Dark Fiber Vendor has been requested for a dispatch on priority. NO ETA as of yet

- Feb 17 12:21AM
A technician from our provider arrived onsite and confirmed the location of the fiber cut. This fiber is underground and will need a construction crew to come and dig up the street to confirm the extent of the damage. The construction/splicing team has been contacted according to our provider however, they have not provided a timeframe on when they will be onsite. We are escalating this issue and will provide updates as they become available.

- Feb 17 12:46AM
Construction and splice crews have been dispatched to the fiber cut site. ETA is 11:30 PM Pacific.

- Feb 17 2:05AM
Please be advised the construction and splicing crew has arrived onsite. They are currently breaking up the concrete and pulling the cable. Once that is complete they will start repairing/splicing the new cable.

Feb 17 5:35AM
Construction crew has completed pulling the new fiber and will start splicing now. Approximate restoration is 12:00pm Pacific. We will continue to provide updates as they become available.

Feb 17 10:05AM
Splice crews are now 70 percent complete with the splicing. Services my be seen restored while the splice crews work to complete the span. We will continue to provide updates as they become available or upon completion.
2022-02-18 12:57:54 +08:00
@bclerdx clash 规则忘了屏蔽内网的 nas, 大意了😭
2022-02-18 13:56:16 +08:00
@waltcow Clash 规则,内网 IP 不是走直连么?不是不走代理?
2022-02-18 16:50:42 +08:00
@bclerdx 我是在路由上跑 merlinClash

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