一个比较复杂的查询,explain 一共有 10 条记录
其中有几条的 type 为 ALL ,key 也为空
是不是 group by 里面的字段跟 where/join on 里面的字段要在一起建联合索引?
id|select_type |table |partitions|type |possible_keys |key |key_len|ref |rows|filtered|Extra |
1|PRIMARY |<derived4> | |ALL | | | | |1092| 100.0| |
1|PRIMARY |<derived3> | |ref |<auto_key0> |<auto_key0> |152 |a.login | 6| 100.0| |
3|DERIVED |t_position | |ALL |t_position_login_IDX | | | | 65| 100.0|Using where; Using temporary|
3|DERIVED |underlying_manager| |eq_ref|UnderlyingCode_UNIQUE |UnderlyingCode_UNIQUE|302 |ezytrs.t_position.symbol | 1| 100.0|Using where |
3|DERIVED |variety | |eq_ref|PRIMARY |PRIMARY |4 |中金_ylcms.underlying_manager.UnderlyingTypeId| 1| 100.0|Using index |
4|DERIVED |t_deal | |ALL |t_deal_login_IDX,t_deal_action_IDX | | | | 166| 65.06|Using where; Using temporary|
4|DERIVED |<derived5> | |ref |<auto_key0> |<auto_key0> |152 |ezytrs.t_deal.login | 10| 100.0| |
5|DERIVED |t_entrust | |ALL |t_entrust_login_IDX,t_entrust_action_IDX| | | | 264| 65.53|Using where; Using temporary|
5|DERIVED |<subquery6> | |eq_ref|<auto_distinct_key> |<auto_distinct_key> |5 |ezytrs.t_entrust.entrust | 1| 100.0|Using where; Not exists |
6|MATERIALIZED|t_deal | |index |t_deal_entrust_IDX |t_deal_entrust_IDX |4 | | 166| 100.0|Using index |
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