
2022-03-07 09:51:10 +08:00
苹果开发者,主要收入来自海外,一直用的 Payonner 平台收款的,做了好几年了一直没有交过税,现在收入慢慢多了起来开始有点担心会不会被税务局盯上。。(按照目前的趋势,今年收款可能要突破百万,不过还要支出大量的广告和推广费用,利润只有 1 半左右)
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2022-06-10 15:08:22 +08:00
2023-04-02 11:23:09 +08:00
Chatgpt 给的关于预扣税的答复,大家自行判断:
For developers from China, Apple currently applies a withholding tax rate of 30% to earnings from the App Store. This rate is deducted by Apple before paying out the net earnings to the developer.

However, China and the United States have a tax treaty in place that allows for a lower withholding tax rate of 10% on certain types of income, such as royalties, if certain conditions are met. To qualify for the reduced rate, the developer must provide Apple with a valid tax identification number, such as a U.S. taxpayer identification number (TIN) or a Chinese taxpayer identification number (TIN).

It's important to note that the withholding tax is not the final tax liability of the developer, but rather an estimated advance payment towards the final tax liability. The developer may be required to file a tax return and pay additional taxes or receive a refund, depending on their individual tax situation and the tax laws of their country. It's recommended that developers consult with a tax professional to understand their tax obligations in their specific situation.
8 天前
这个帖子好久了,但是我依然有楼上的问题,我是网站的会员收入,每年大约 100 多 w ,分了好几个账号收款,很多年了,网上说个税要 40%,还要罚款滞纳金,会不会全部补交?另外有两个账号注册了海南的个体户,开通微信和支付宝,个体户没有税务注册,每年 0 申报,会不会出问题?以前注册了一个公司,公司麻烦事太多了,又注销了。这些年一直不是很踏实。

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