投递方式:请发送简历至 hr@joinbrix.com 注明您申请的岗位
薪资范围:月薪 30-35K
项目信息:餐饮业 SaaS 平台,业务范围涉及澳洲 /马来西亚 /新加坡 /中国台湾 /中国香港
核心要求:Node+React ,需要会一些英文
● 5 years of work experience as a Web developer Work experience with React / Redux ( Angular, Vue, or other roughly equivalent experience is acceptable )
● Server-side TypeScript / Javascript experience, running services in GCP or AWS
● Skills investigating GCP or AWS logs to identify, validate, and solve issues in code, and in configurations
● Familiarity with Relational Databases
● Familiarity with at least one NoSQL Database
● Build a reliable user interfaces and implement new features
● Design and build a robust, high-performance distributed back-end platform Collaborate with team members to define, design, and ship new features and products
● Work on tracing online issues and bug fixing
● Co-work with customer service (on-call) to help restaurants resolve their issues
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/appmsgalbum?__biz=MzIyMTc3ODkxNQ==&action=getalbum&album_id=1765492595863928837#wechat_redirect关于 Brix 工程师一手的边旅行边工作的体验:
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