no name salary year
1 a 8000 1999
1 a 17000 2000
2 b 9000 1998
2 b 10000 1999
3 c 10010 2000
求 1999-2000 人员工资涨幅超过 8000 的员工编号
select s1.emp_no, (s1.salary - s2.salary) as addSalary from salaries as s1, salaries as s2 where s1.to_date like '%2000%' and s2.to_date like '%1999%' and s1.emp_no = s2.emp_no and (s1.salary - s2.salary > 8000)
但是总感觉怪怪的,这应该是个挺常见的需求,一般在业务中一般怎么写,求教各位大佬(前端实习生,sql 不太会,简单勿喷)
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