[上海校招] 野村信息 2022 暑期实习生开始招募啦

2022-03-22 00:00:44 +08:00
今年要毕业了的也可以投递走另一条路线~具体 jd 如下哦:

Nomura is a global financial services group with an integrated network spanning over 30 countries. By connecting markets East& West, Nomura services the needs of individuals, institutions, corporates and governments through its three business divisions: Retail, Wholesale (Global Markets and Investment Banking), and Investment Management. Founded in 1925, the firm is built on a tradition of disciplined entrepreneurship, serving clients with creative solutions and considered thought leadership.

1) Responsibilities:
As a key member the candidate will
• Expected to work in small teams to assist in the creation for one of 2022 Campus Projects
• Identify and help to define the requirements of the projects
• Perform coding and unit testing under the direction of team supervisors
• Other duties required of you from time to time by your supervisor

2) 2022 Campus Projects:
• UMD Cloud native re-architecture
• AWS deployment with integration testing capability
• Recon Cube for Simulation and Pricing
• etc

3) Requirements:
• Experienced in Java/C++/C#/.NET etc.
• Master degree / Bachelor degree graduation in 2023, major in computer and science or other related
• IT Architecture Principles and Practices
• Non-application Specific Knowledge
• Quality Assurance and Testing
• Software Application Development
• IT Project Management
• Planning, Organizing & Resource Management Capability
• Resource Allocation & Management in Achieving Goals
• Knowledge of the Financial Services Industry will be preferred
• Collaboration & Leadership Skills
• Commercial Awareness
• Critical and Analytical Thinking Skills in Decision-Making
• Effective Listening & Communication Skills
• Professional Networking & Relationship Development Expertise
• Written Communications Expertise

4) Process:
i. Application: Send your resume to hr-china@nomura.com, Title ‘NTSH 2022 Campus Project - Name’
ii. Interview Process: 1 coding test + 1 English phone interview + 1 group interview
iii. Intern Project Period: July 4th 2022 to August 31st 2022

本月 28/30 号还有线上宣讲会,欢迎同学踊跃报名~还可以听听投行的 IT 前辈们的分享
link: https://q.eqxiu.com/s/xMY5uE22?eqrcode=1&share_level=3&from_user=20220316b15bf684&from_id=e71f621b-c&share_time=1647515145900 (希望不要被屏蔽。。。)
1824 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
10 条回复
2022-03-22 00:09:41 +08:00
顺便 share 一下全职员工基本福利⬇️ 还可以 work from home (当然看 team 情况调整),快乐生活快乐工作
benefits : Social Society, we offer extra house founding and medical insurance. Regarding to the medical insurance, company will pay 18k – 19k/year for high level Medical insurance for employee.
Annual Leave: 20 days with full salary / year
Medical Leave: 12 days with full salary / year
Family Leave: 5 days with full salary / year (this is the special benefit what we offer our employee)
…. Etc.
2022-03-22 00:29:08 +08:00
2022-03-22 15:04:30 +08:00
2022-03-23 12:45:02 +08:00
2022-03-29 23:10:29 +08:00
@Brian1900 校招的话全日制本科 it 相关专业
2022-03-29 23:11:45 +08:00
@Outloooook 可以投今年 graduate hire ,目前还有少数的 HC ,可以直接投这个邮箱 不过麻烦附上英文简历哦
2022-03-29 23:12:34 +08:00
@linquan 校招口语能说就 ok 对这块的话更看重技术基底
2022-03-30 19:34:33 +08:00
@yve11 好的好的,感谢回复
2022-04-07 18:32:37 +08:00
2023-10-10 12:26:09 +08:00
老哥你们公司目前还有 HC 吗

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