最近在重新学习有关 java 多线程方面的知识。然后使用内部锁的机制,想简单模拟一下生产者和消费者。 代码逻辑大概是这样的:每个生产者线程产生 10 个数据,然后供一个消费者消费。由于在 main 线程中设置了每个生产者线程的名字,所以想在生产者生成数据的逻辑中打印当前线程名。 我的疑惑:
package org.example;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import lombok.SneakyThrows;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
public class WaitAndNotify {
private final Object lock = new Object();
private final List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
private final Random random = new Random();
public void producer() throws InterruptedException {
synchronized (lock) {
while (list.size() == 10) {
if (list.size() == 10) {
log.info("thread-{},{}", Thread.currentThread().getName(),
Arrays.toString(list.toArray(new Integer[0])));
public void consumer() throws InterruptedException {
synchronized (lock) {
while (list.size() < 10) {
static class MyProducer implements Runnable {
private final WaitAndNotify waitAndNotify;
public MyProducer(WaitAndNotify waitAndNotify) {
this.waitAndNotify = waitAndNotify;
public void run() {
int i = 10;
while (i > 0) {
static class MyConsumer implements Runnable {
private final WaitAndNotify waitAndNotify;
public MyConsumer(WaitAndNotify waitAndNotify) {
this.waitAndNotify = waitAndNotify;
public void run() {
while (true) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
WaitAndNotify waitAndNotify = new WaitAndNotify();
Runnable runnable = new MyProducer(waitAndNotify);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
Thread producer = new Thread(runnable, "producer-" + i);
Thread consumer = new Thread(new MyConsumer(waitAndNotify), "consumer");
2022-03-21 17:32:42,014 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-0] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-0,[49, 96, 0, 43, 23, 6, 79, 44, 28, 21]
2022-03-21 17:32:42,019 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-17] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-17,[92, 56, 9, 43, 77, 24, 53, 74, 44, 85]
2022-03-21 17:32:42,019 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-1] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-1,[86, 11, 10, 58, 5, 86, 3, 68, 73, 24]
2022-03-21 17:32:42,020 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-17] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-17,[10, 9, 97, 41, 81, 35, 84, 0, 86, 12]
2022-03-21 17:32:42,020 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-3] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-3,[13, 90, 30, 45, 1, 8, 43, 68, 49, 26]
2022-03-21 17:32:42,020 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-17] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-17,[81, 19, 34, 58, 89, 66, 74, 76, 20, 5]
2022-03-21 17:32:42,021 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-4] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-4,[48, 60, 0, 36, 97, 9, 42, 44, 67, 81]
2022-03-21 17:32:42,021 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-16] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-16,[77, 38, 17, 63, 71, 7, 80, 64, 61, 19]
2022-03-21 17:32:42,021 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-6] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-6,[47, 56, 50, 7, 89, 45, 32, 91, 97, 66]
2022-03-21 17:32:42,022 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-16] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-16,[27, 96, 24, 85, 3, 28, 23, 21, 93, 72]
2022-03-21 17:32:42,022 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-7] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-7,[4, 95, 19, 95, 42, 9, 49, 5, 54, 8]
2022-03-21 17:32:42,022 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-13] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-13,[43, 81, 97, 19, 40, 65, 48, 32, 61, 77]
2022-03-21 17:32:42,023 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-14] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-14,[67, 81, 84, 11, 73, 71, 65, 26, 78, 45]
2022-03-21 17:32:42,023 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-12] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-12,[54, 48, 67, 88, 0, 78, 99, 12, 49, 84]
2022-03-21 17:32:42,023 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-7] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-7,[58, 66, 53, 39, 14, 64, 2, 57, 27, 91]
2022-03-21 17:32:42,023 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-11] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-11,[91, 79, 70, 36, 34, 28, 63, 67, 17, 77]
2022-03-21 17:32:42,024 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-10] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-10,[2, 76, 42, 92, 91, 87, 64, 20, 25, 3]
2022-03-21 17:32:42,024 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-9] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-9,[46, 57, 98, 0, 28, 68, 63, 71, 97, 54]
2022-03-21 17:32:42,024 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-11] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-11,[26, 66, 10, 77, 69, 41, 77, 80, 21, 55]
2022-03-21 17:32:42,024 INFO [learning-concurrency][producer-11] org.example.ch5._1_1.WaitAndNotify producer(33): thread-producer-11,[94, 97, 84, 87, 85, 53, 77, 88, 79, 84]
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