winglight2016 My reply triggered the filter so that I chose to write it in English.
I just looked it up on the internet.
When we want to refer to the medical type of virus 'coronavirus', we use the term 'coronavirus', which has been around for a long time. It indicates the type of virus, not the name of a virus.
When we refer to the coronavirus that caused the outbreak, we use the term 'SARS-CoV-2', which was named by the World Health Organisation in 2020.
When we want to refer to the disease caused by this epidemic, we use the term 'COVID' or 'COVID-19'. Also named by the World Health Organization in 2020, it is an abbreviation for 'coronavirus disease'. This is why both 'COVID' and 'COVID-19' are being used, after all, it was only named in 2020 and there is no second COVID yet.
Therefore, COVID should be the name of the disease, not the name of the virus.
See the English Wikipedia article 'COVID-19 naming'