微软发布Silverlight 5.1.20913.0

2013-10-10 01:59:02 +08:00
Microsoft Silverlight是一个跨浏览器的、跨平台的插件,为Web带来下一代媒体体验和丰富的交互式应用程序体验。做为微软出品的一个浏览器增强模块,它使得浏览器可以在HTML中渲染丰富的内容,它兼容于Windows下的IE以及Firefox等浏览器,同时也兼容OS X。虽然随着新系统的发布及HTML5的逐渐运用,Silverlight在微软的重要性正在降低,微软依然在持续更新版本。

- Fixes security issues described in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article: 2847559 MS13-052
- Fixes an issue where core CLR files were versioned as 5.0, and the System.Environment.Version public API reported the Silverlight framework version as 5.0. With this fix, all CLR and Silverlight files now have a major and minor file version of 5.1, and Environment.Version reports 5.1 as the framework version.
- Fixes an issue where certain buffered web requests can cause a crash of the Silverlight plugin on Mac OS X.
- Enables Silverlight application exception handling on future releases of Mac OS X.

http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=229320 32

http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=229321 64


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