eval 执行 lua 报错 user_script:1: @user_script: 1: Lua redis() command arguments must be strings or integers

2022-05-11 22:09:18 +08:00

ERR Error running script (call to f_a08c9c69b7c07ae2485190873b90d128a23e502d): @user_script:1: @user_script: 1: Lua redis() command arguments must be strings or integers


Connection->command('eval', array('return redis.call('exists',KEYS[1])<1 and redis.call('setex',KEYS[1],ARGV[2],ARGV[1])', 1, 'cache:8e3a74c63406753fa072630e7112b312ffc42b99', 0, 60))

已经懵了,问其他同事也不知道原因,只能找万能的 v 友了

1650 次点击
所在节点    PHP
1 条回复
2022-05-12 09:19:09 +08:00
试一下 tonumber(ARGV[2])

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