It is sad to admit, but Yii is outdated technology, which does not keep up with the modern trends. The core team stick to the BC-keep policy too much since 2.0 release, which make Yii2 lacking of many modern approaches and features. While it is common requirement of the modern web project to provide "single page application" based on modern JS frameworks like ReactJS, EmberJS, VueJS and so on, Yii keeps enforcing JQuery, facilitating its usage and requiring its installation. The BC breaking changes, which are supposed to change the situation, like accepting PSR standards for caching and logging, separating JQuery from the Yii core and so on, are frozen till the future 3.0 release, which can not be expected in any near future.
之前写 php 的时候大部分时间在用这个框架,用着还是蛮舒服的;话虽如此,如果现在让我用的话,我估计会用 symfony 组件自己攅一套。 对于这位核心开发者的话,我觉得无所谓:一来,可能我离得远了;二来,我之前的印象中 yii 的所有组件都是可以替换的,psr 这些自己实现或引个包就行啦;三是 php 写 http 接口,框架也就帮忙给代码逻辑分下层,它不分,我们也能自己分啊。
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