推荐别人,成功送 1 万元内推费
Note:按劳务费发放,需扣税 20%。
Geedge Networks 成立于 2018 年,为全球的企业、运营商客户提供领先的网络智能和安全解决方案,客户遍布海外数十个数据中心。
北京研发中心位于西城区裕民东路 6 号(近地铁 8 号线安华桥站),现有 100 多位工程师,从事网络安全产品的研发和实施,技术领域为软件定义网络、网络功能虚拟化、网络性能监测等。
- 几乎不加班( 9-6-5 或 10-7-5 )
- 13~16 薪
- 10 天年假
- 埃塞俄比亚原产咖啡豆、健身室、乒乓球室
- 五险一金,补充商业医疗保险
请将简历发送到 emhlbmdjaGFvQGdlZWRnZW5ldHdvcmtzLmNvbQ== (Base64 encoded) 格式如下:
邮件标题:v2ex-{Job Title}-{Name},例如 v2ex-C 语言专家-张三
C Language Expert / C 语言专家 /月薪 25-40k
Key Requirements
- Expert in C programming, familiar with POSIX Threads, socket, asynchronous programming, and performance tuning.
- Solid understanding of network protocols, such as TCP/IP, DNS, TLS, QUIC, etc.
- Familiar with Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, CICD workflow, and Wireshark.
- Learn from Google and English documents.
- Excellent communication skills.
Preferred Qualifications
- Experienced in DPDK, VPP, and OVS.
- Experienced in NGFW development.
- Academic research paper reading capabilities, i.e., NSDI, SIGCOMM.
Product Manager (Entry Level) / 初级产品经理 /月薪 10-15k
Key Requirements
- Bachelor in Computer Science / Software Engineering.
- Enthusiasm for electronic devices and new technologies.
- Learn from Google and English documents.
- Solid English communication capabilities (verbal and written).
Preferred Qualifications
- Mac, Linux, YouTube, and GitHub users.
- Broad knowledge of network security.