//Literal type that extends string literals:
class conststr
const char* p;
std::size_t sz;
template<std::size_t N>
constexpr conststr(const char(&a)[N]) : p(a), sz(N - 1) {}
constexpr char operator[](std::size_t n) const
return n < sz ? p[n] : throw std::out_of_range("");
constexpr std::size_t size() const { return sz; }
constexpr std::size_t countlower(conststr s, std::size_t n = 0,
std::size_t c = 0)
return n == s.size() ? c :
s[n] >= 'a' && s[n] <= 'z' ? countlower(s, n + 1, c + 1) :
countlower(s, n + 1, c);
// output function that requires a compile-time constant, for testing
template<int n>
struct constN
constN() { std::cout << n << '\n'; }
int main()
std::cout << "the number of lowercase letters in \"Hello, world!\" is ";
constN<countlower("Hello, world!")>(); // implicitly converted to conststr
不理解之处:构造的时候 constexpr conststr(const char(&a)[N]),这个 N 是怎么传进来的?
原文在此: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/named_req/LiteralType, 怎么搞这么复杂的 template ,阅读起来有点障碍.
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