最近在翻阅《 Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual 》文档,查 LOCK 指令的介绍。
其中一段内容,尝试用好几个翻译软件翻译都感觉有些别扭(腾讯、DeepL 、有道、google )。
<Volume 2 : Instruction Set Reference>
<Chapter 3 Instruction Set Reference>
<LOCK—Assert LOCK# Signal Prefix>
Causes the processor’s LOCK# signal to be asserted during execution of the accompanying instruction (turns the instruction into an atomic instruction). In a multiprocessor environment, the LOCK# signal ensures that the processor has exclusive use of any shared memory while the signal is asserted.
使处理器的 LOCK#信号在伴随的指令执行期间被断言(将指令转换为原子指令)。在多处理器环境中,lock#信号确保在断言该信号时处理器独占使用任何共享内存。
想请教下各位,如何翻译、理解assert 、asserted?感觉不应该翻译成断言?(思考.jpg )
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