Steam Deck 也学会了悄悄让幸运用户享受低速 SSD

2022-07-02 04:21:33 +08:00

现在官网上的 specs 写的是
「 Some 256GB and 512GB models ship with a PCIe Gen 3 x2 SSD. In our testing, we did not see any impact to gaming performance between x2 and x4.」

2642 次点击
所在节点    Steam
1 条回复
2022-07-02 08:37:09 +08:00
看评测问题不大,毕竟 sd 卡都和内置一样的速度,隔壁 emmc 都能优化成 ufs ,我 x2 优化成 x4 问题不大吧( doge

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