通过 CDN 引入来使用 vue3-easy-data-table

2022-07-04 11:51:18 +08:00
hc93  hc93


  1. 引入!

  2. 使用!

  3. awesome !

ES module or UMD ?

项目的 build tool 用的 vite ,打包出 xxxx.es.js(ES module 格式)和 xxxx.umd.js(UMD 格式)两种结果,本来想推荐在浏览器中通过 script 标签引入 CDN 的 ES module 文件并且使用的,就像下面这样:

<link href="https://unpkg.com/vue3-easy-data-table/dist/style.css" rel="stylesheet">

  <div id="app">

  <script type="importmap">
      "imports": {
        "vue": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@3.2.1/dist/vue.global.js",
        "vue3-easy-data-table": "https://unpkg.com/vue3-easy-data-table"
  <script type="module">
    import { createApp } from 'vue'
    import Vue3EasyDataTable from 'vue3-easy-data-table';

    const App = createApp({
        components: {
          EasyDataTable: Vue3EasyDataTable,
        data () {
          return {
              { text: "PLAYER", value: "player" },
              { text: "TEAM", value: "team"},
              { text: "NUMBER", value: "number"},
              { text: "POSITION", value: "position"},
              { text: "HEIGHT", value: "indicator.height"},
              { text: "WEIGHT (lbs)", value: "indicator.weight", sortable: true},
              { text: "LAST ATTENDED", value: "lastAttended", width: 200},
              { text: "COUNTRY", value: "country"},
            items: [
              { player: "Stephen Curry", team: "GSW", number: 30, position: 'G', indicator: {"height": '6-2', "weight": 185}, lastAttended: "Davidson", country: "USA"},
              { player: "Lebron James", team: "LAL", number: 6, position: 'F', indicator: {"height": '6-9', "weight": 250}, lastAttended: "St. Vincent-St. Mary HS (OH)", country: "USA"},
              { player: "Kevin Durant", team: "BKN", number: 7, position: 'F', indicator: {"height": '6-10', "weight": 240}, lastAttended: "Texas-Austin", country: "USA"},
              { player: "Giannis Antetokounmpo", team: "MIL", number: 34, position: 'F', indicator: {"height": '6-11', "weight": 242}, lastAttended: "Filathlitikos", country: "Greece"},

    if (document.getElementById('app')) {

不过 safari,firefox 等浏览器都还不支持importmap的用法:https://caniuse.com/?search=importmap 所以还是用了老办法,在打包入口文件 index.ts 中检测浏览器 vue 环境并全局注册 Vue3EasyDataTable 组件,https://github.com/HC200ok/vue3-easy-data-table/blob/main/src/index.ts:

if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue) {
  window.Vue.createApp({}).component('Vue3EasyDataTable', DataTable);




如有建议或需求,欢迎提 issue ,项目地址: https://github.com/HC200ok/vue3-easy-data-table/

如果觉得还不错,欢迎给我一个 github⭐支持我一下,谢谢!

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