你最常用的 CLI(命令行工具)是什么?

2022-07-18 15:04:35 +08:00

我的前三大概是 brew, git, curl

但我更好奇有没有日常用的的 CLI 呢? 我看有 cli 发推特的..

12159 次点击
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245 条回复
2022-07-18 15:11:00 +08:00
2022-07-18 15:12:55 +08:00
history | awk '{CMD[$2]++;count++;}END { for (a in CMD)print CMD[a] " " CMD[a]/count*100 "% " a;}' | grep -v "./" | column -c3 -s " " -t | sort -nr | nl | head -n10

1 945 13.2112% ls
2 929 12.9876% cd
3 889 12.4284% clear
4 704 9.84202% git
5 425 5.94156% ssh
6 353 4.93499% k
7 182 2.54439% vim
8 180 2.51643% brew
9 170 2.37663% cat
10 109 1.52384% gco
2022-07-18 15:13:39 +08:00
df -h
2022-07-18 15:17:42 +08:00
1 3158 31.2055% git
2 949 9.37747% cd
3 629 6.21542% yarn
4 568 5.61265% gaa
5 443 4.37747% clear
6 350 3.4585% rake
7 294 2.90514% docker
8 293 2.89526% ruby
9 273 2.69763% z
10 263 2.59881% code
2022-07-18 15:22:05 +08:00
2022-07-18 15:24:51 +08:00
1 334 16.5101% git
2 207 10.2323% ls
3 167 8.25507% cd
4 163 8.05734% docker
5 147 7.26644% go
6 131 6.47553% ssh
7 81 4.00395% make
8 50 2.47158% pip
9 49 2.42215% which
10 44 2.17499% mysql
2022-07-18 15:29:14 +08:00
1 1784 46.0031% git
2 648 16.7096% npm
3 254 6.54977% ls
4 245 6.31769% cd
5 216 5.56988% brew
6 80 2.06292% pnpm
7 80 2.06292% mv
8 45 1.16039% vue
9 45 1.16039% vim
10 45 1.16039% nrm
2022-07-18 15:32:27 +08:00
1 2671 35.8331% git
2 833 11.1752% ls
3 656 8.80064% ssh
4 596 7.99571% cd
5 158 2.11967% pip3
6 129 1.73061% python3
7 128 1.7172% vim
8 123 1.65012% npm
9 113 1.51596% aria2c
10 101 1.35498% brew
2022-07-18 15:34:32 +08:00
1 1027 10.1152% ls
2 873 8.59844% python
3 683 6.72708% cd
4 512 5.04284% git
5 468 4.60948% ssh
6 384 3.78213% rsync
7 379 3.73289% vim
8 357 3.5162% rm
9 319 3.14193% bash
10 297 2.92524% celery
2022-07-18 15:38:35 +08:00
1 1016 15.65% git
2 960 14.7874% ll
3 929 14.3099% ssh
4 589 9.0727% cd
5 295 4.54405% sudo
6 240 3.69686% code
7 228 3.51201% python
8 186 2.86506% vim
9 148 2.27973% exit
10 138 2.12569% ..

1 841 21.1679% ll
2 385 9.69041% python
3 370 9.31286% bash
4 359 9.03599% cd
5 324 8.15505% vim
6 198 4.98364% gpustat
7 154 3.87616% git
8 138 3.47345% tmux
9 129 3.24692% ..
10 87 2.18978% nvidia-smi
2022-07-18 15:40:44 +08:00
2022-07-18 15:48:22 +08:00
1 411 26.4479% ls
2 161 10.3604% git
3 149 9.58816% cd
4 140 9.00901% yarn
5 57 3.66795% pip
6 50 3.2175% code
7 45 2.89575% which
8 38 2.4453% python
9 35 2.25225% docker
10 29 1.86615% nest
2022-07-18 15:49:02 +08:00
$ ~ history | awk '{CMD[$2]++;count++;}END { for (a in CMD)print CMD[a] " " CMD[a]/count*100 "% " a;}' | grep -v "./" | column -c3 -s " " -t | sort -nr | nl | head -n10
1 1080 32.3741% git
2 398 11.9305% rsync
3 310 9.29257% python3
4 227 6.80456% ssh
5 166 4.97602% ls
6 166 4.97602% clear
7 160 4.79616% cd
8 98 2.93765% vi
9 69 2.06835% gpg
10 42 1.25899% rg
2022-07-18 15:56:58 +08:00
1 4 25% tar
2 3 18.75% open
3 3 18.75% ls
4 2 12.5% rm
5 2 12.5% cd
6 1 6.25% ssh
7 1 6.25% pnpm
2022-07-18 16:08:42 +08:00
1 640 16.8554% ssh
2 359 9.45483% yarn
3 239 6.29444% code
4 234 6.16276% ping
5 173 4.55623% git
6 142 3.73979% ls
7 138 3.63445% rm
8 130 3.42376% cd
9 122 3.21306% ..
2022-07-18 16:09:26 +08:00
1 529 24.2549% ssh
2 174 7.97799% cd
3 133 6.09812% ls
4 133 6.09812% git
5 96 4.40165% sudo
6 62 2.84273% ping
7 62 2.84273% brew
8 57 2.61348% nmap
9 52 2.38423% python
10 50 2.29253% ifconfig
11 48 2.20083% nano
12 43 1.97157% cat
13 42 1.92572% wget
14 38 1.74232% ps
15 36 1.65062% traceroute
16 36 1.65062% hugo
17 29 1.32967% nslookup
18 25 1.14626% ssh-copy-id
19 24 1.10041% smartctl
20 24 1.10041% rm
1 867 16.5774% sudo
2 630 12.0459% cd
3 596 11.3958% ls
4 399 7.62906% docker
5 326 6.23327% kubectl
6 189 3.61377% kill
7 135 2.58126% python
8 128 2.44742% conda
9 126 2.40918% nano
10 91 1.73996% cat
11 82 1.56788% systemctl
12 78 1.4914% ping
13 76 1.45315% rm
14 53 1.01338% cp
15 51 0.975143% wget
16 49 0.936902% ps
17 49 0.936902% mvn
18 49 0.936902% mv
19 48 0.917782% watch
20 47 0.898662% journalctl
2022-07-18 16:10:19 +08:00
直接用 zsh_stats 就可以看
2022-07-18 16:14:53 +08:00

user@MacBook-Pro ~ % zsh_stats
zsh: command not found: zsh_stats
2022-07-18 16:16:33 +08:00
1 60 31.4136% pacman
2 16 8.37696% ls
3 12 6.28272% l
4 10 5.2356% where
5 10 5.2356% exit
6 8 4.18848% chmod
7 7 3.66492% omz
8 7 3.66492% export
9 5 2.6178% vim
10 5 2.6178% vi
2022-07-18 16:29:26 +08:00
1 86 17.2% ls
2 78 15.6% cd
3 36 7.2% npm
4 35 7% adb
5 31 6.2% clear
6 22 4.4% git
7 18 3.6% rm
8 17 3.4% vi
9 13 2.6% npx
10 11 2.2% code

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