免费的半年 IPv4 / IPv6 和通配符域名 acme SSL 证书 HiCA

2022-07-24 13:10:34 +08:00

昨天 HiCA 正式上线了,可以提供免费的 IPv4 / IPv6 和通配符域名证书申请,有效期半年,支持自动续签

使用 acme 协议进行签发,这里写了一篇教程,大家可以来试试看,我签了一个 IPv4 和一个通配符域名证书,都成功了。

博客链接: https://taurusxin.com/hica-ssl/

7353 次点击
所在节点    SSL
45 条回复
2022-07-24 19:41:35 +08:00
@Zerek 试过了,`https://acme.hi.cn/directory` 不支持手动
2022-07-24 21:24:31 +08:00
2022-07-24 21:27:50 +08:00
2022-07-24 22:26:31 +08:00
@stevenhawking 是的,是用 useragent 区分的,改 Caddy 一行代码就可以绕过。
curl 的话 -A "acme.sh/3.0.1 ( https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh)"
然而 caddy 还是报上面的 500 ,已经放弃摆弄了。
2022-07-24 23:10:55 +08:00
@1423 每款客户端都有细微差异的,这家服务器应该是自己写的,没有用标准的 Boulder 来搭建,所以没有适配其他 ACME 客户端。
2022-07-25 00:40:07 +08:00
ip 证书没啥用,通配符证书免费的用 Let's Encrypt ,有效期 90 续签方便用着也放心
2022-07-25 07:06:28 +08:00
之前就有免费 6 个月的,acme.sh 的供应商之一,你 list 一下我忘了是哪个
acme.sh 应该是有四个供应商, 一个默认,一个 le,剩下两个就有一个是 6 个月还支持 wildcard
2022-07-25 07:20:33 +08:00
> 推荐 150 天一续,需要指定--days 参数
2022-07-25 07:23:05 +08:00
@1423 所以他们用的是 pki-validation 这个目录而不是 acme-challenge 是因为 v1 ?
2022-07-25 10:30:53 +08:00
@fredcc #22 你这是暴击

个人觉得国内的这种服务很难稳定. 上面一句话就得无理由的封, 上面一句话就得无理由的关.

2022-07-25 14:50:28 +08:00
@realpg https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/blob/master/acme.sh#L23

Let's Encrypt / ZeroSSL / Google PKI 都是支持泛域名,但是只有 90 天

SSL.com 90 天不支持泛域名

Buypass 180 天不支持泛域名


之前提供国内 OCPS 的 TrustOcean 环洋诚信已经吃上免费饭了,这家能坚持多久呢
2022-07-25 15:02:10 +08:00
@ZeroClover #31
我记得 buypass 支持来的
不过我正式项目基本都是按域名签,不用 wildcard
只有自己玩的采用 wildcard
2022-07-26 01:24:21 +08:00
@ZeroClover TrustOcean 没有提供国内 OCSP 。而且经过测试,这个 HiCA 写了提供国内 OCSP ,但其实签发出来的没有提供。

2022-07-26 08:45:33 +08:00
IP 证书只能用 80 来解析基本就没啥适用了。。
2022-07-26 13:54:50 +08:00

根据 CA / B Forum 的 《 Baseline Requirements Documents (SSL/TLS Server Certificates): https://cabforum.org/wp-content/uploads/CA-Browser-Forum-BR-1.8.4.pdf 》之定义:

1.6.1 Definitions:
Authorized Ports: One of the following ports: 80 ( http), 443 ( https), 25 (smtp), 22 (ssh). Agreed‑Upon Change to Website v2
Confirming the Applicant’s control over a FQDN by validating domain control of the FQDN using the ACME HTTP Challenge method defined in Section 8.3 of RFC 8555. The following are additive requirements to RFC 8555. The CA MUST receive a successful HTTP response from the request (meaning a 2xx HTTP status code must be received). The token (as defined in RFC 8555, Section 8.3) MUST NOT be used for more than 30 days from its creation. The CPS MAY specify a shorter validity period for Random Values, in which case the CA MUST follow its CPS.
If the CA follows redirects, the following apply:
1. Redirects MUST be initiated at the HTTP protocol layer.
a. For validations performed on or after July 1, 2021, redirects MUST be the result of a 301, 302, or 307 HTTP status code response, as defined in RFC 7231, Section 6.4, or a 308 HTTP status code response, as defined in RFC 7538, Section 3. Redirects MUST be to the final value of the Location HTTP response header, as defined in RFC 7231, Section 7.1.2.
b. For validations performed prior to July 1, 2021, redirects MUST be the result
of an HTTP status code result within the 3xx Redirection class of status codes, as defined in RFC 7231, Section 6.4. CAs SHOULD limit the accepted status codes and resource URLs to those defined within 1.a.
2. Redirects MUST be to resource URLs with either the “http” or “https” scheme.
3. Redirects MUST be to resource URLs accessed via Authorized Ports.
Note: * For Certificates issued prior to 2021‐12‐01, the CA MAY also issue Certificates for other FQDNs that end with all the labels of the validated FQDN. This method is suitable for validating Wildcard Domain Names. * For Certificates issued on or after 2021‐12‐01, the CA MUST NOT issue Certificates for other FQDNs that end with all the labels of the
validated FQDN unless the CA performs a separate validation for that FQDN using an authorized method. This method is NOT suitable for validating Wildcard Domain Names. Agreed‑Upon Change to Website ‑ ACME
Confirming the Applicant’s control over a FQDN by validating domain control of the FQDN using the ACME HTTP Challenge method defined in Section 8.3 of RFC 8555. The following are additive requirements to RFC 8555.
The CA MUST receive a successful HTTP response from the request (meaning a 2xx HTTP status code must be received).
The token (as defined in RFC 8555, Section 8.3) MUST NOT be used for more than 30 days from its creation. The CPS MAY specify a shorter validity period for Random Values, in which case the CA MUST follow its CPS.
If the CA follows redirects, the following apply:
1. Redirects MUST be initiated at the HTTP protocol layer.
a. For validations performed on or after July 1, 2021, redirects MUST be the result of a 301, 302, or 307 HTTP status code response, as defined in RFC 7231, Section 6.4, or a 308 HTTP status code response, as defined in RFC 7538,
Section 3. Redirects MUST be to the final value of the Location HTTP response header, as defined in RFC 7231, Section 7.1.2.
b. For validations performed prior to July 1, 2021, redirects MUST be the result of an HTTP status code result within the 3xx Redirection class of status codes, as defined in RFC 7231, Section 6.4. CAs SHOULD limit the accepted status codes and resource URLs to those defined within 1.a.
2. Redirects MUST be to resource URLs with either the “http” or “https” scheme.
3. Redirects MUST be to resource URLs accessed via Authorized Ports.
Note: * For Certificates issued prior to 2021‐12‐01, the CA MAY also issue Certificates for other FQDNs that end with all the labels of the validated FQDN. This method is suitable for validating Wildcard Domain Names. * For Certificates issued on or after 2021‐12‐01, the CA MUST NOT issue Certificates for other FQDNs that end with all the labels of the validated FQDN unless the CA performs a separate validation for that FQDN using an authorized method. This method is NOT suitable for validating Wildcard Domain Names.

可以看到,HTTP 验证只能使用 80 端口。部分 CA 可以用 HTTPS ( 443 端口)、SMTP ( 25 端口)、SSH ( 22 端口,目前无 CA 支持)验证。

所以,IP 证书必须 80 端口验证,是他们做错了吗?
2022-07-26 17:59:55 +08:00
我的意思是,非 ICP 备案的都没办法用这个了。因为上海电信查 ddns 很神经,已经被 ban 过一次了。
我现在都是直接 IP 访问。
2022-07-26 22:09:13 +08:00
@Cassius 用其他端口验证的话 ca 就凉了
2022-07-29 21:24:58 +08:00
@Cassius 这是中国局部的特殊情况,标准和合规不能随便因为局部就乱改的。否则亚洲诚信总结的 《违规被浏览器列入黑名单的 CA 、SSL 证书》( https://blog.myssl.com/ca-blacklist/)就是下场
2022-07-29 21:25:27 +08:00
- 违规被浏览器列入黑名单的 CA 、SSL 证书 https://blog.myssl.com/ca-blacklist/
2022-08-05 17:15:17 +08:00
国内体制再没有改之前不要考虑, 注销都是轻的.

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