2022-08-07 12:16:53 +08:00
當人們說主題的時候,不曉得說的是 theme 還是 color scheme... 就算在 ST 論壇裡我也經常看見有人問 theme 但是實際上想問的是 color scheme...
Theme 的話,
ST 3 的 tab 本來就是那個斜角風格,可能是 soda theme 。ST 4 裡可以修改成那斜角風格,但有些功能將會不支援。
// Controls the style of file tabs for the Default, Default Dark, and
// Adaptive themes.
// Options: "rounded", "square"
// The value "angled" provides the tab style from Sublime Text 3, but is
// only compatible with the Default and Adaptive themes, and will not
// support new features like inactive pane dimming.
"file_tab_style": "rounded",