事件始于 2022-08-18 07:19 (所有时间均为美国 /太平洋地区)。
台湾(亚洲-东 1)
香港(亚洲-东方 2)
东京(亚洲-东北 1)
大阪(亚洲-东北 2)
汉城(亚洲-东北 3)
孟买(亚洲-东南 1)
德里(亚洲-西南 2)
新加坡(亚洲-东南 1)
雅加达(亚洲-东南 2)
悉尼(澳大利亚-东南 1)
墨尔本(澳大利亚-东南 2)
华沙(欧洲-中部 2)
芬兰(欧洲-北 1)
马德里(欧洲-西南 1)
比利时(欧洲-西 1)
伦敦(欧洲-西 2)
荷兰(欧洲-西 4)
苏黎世(欧洲-西 6)
蒙台加(欧洲-东北 1))
多伦多(北美-东北 2)
圣保罗(南美洲-东 1)
圣地亚哥(南美洲-西部 1)
拉斯维加斯(美国-西部 4)
Incident affecting Google Cloud Dataflow
User timers broken for certain Dataflow streaming pipelines in multiple locations
Incident began at 2022-08-18 07:19 (all times are US/Pacific).
Currently affected location(s)
Taiwan (asia-east1)Hong Kong (asia-east2)Tokyo (asia-northeast1)Osaka (asia-northeast2)Seoul (asia-northeast3)Mumbai (asia-south1)Delhi (asia-south2)Singapore (asia-southeast1)Jakarta (asia-southeast2)Sydney (australia-southeast1)Melbourne (australia-southeast2)Warsaw (europe-central2)Finland (europe-north1)Madrid (europe-southwest1)Belgium (europe-west1)London (europe-west2)Frankfurt (europe-west3)Netherlands (europe-west4)Zurich (europe-west6)Montréal (northamerica-northeast1)Toronto (northamerica-northeast2)São Paulo (southamerica-east1)Santiago (southamerica-west1)Salt Lake City (us-west3)Las Vegas (us-west4)
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