所以每次还要先执行下code ~/.gitconfig
# status
s = status
ss = status --short --branch
# stash
sh = stash
shp = stash pop
shl = stash list
shs = stash save
sha = stash apply
std = stash drop
# branch
br = branch
bra = branch -a
brm = branch -m
co = checkout
cob = checkout -b
sw = switch
swc = switch -c
# remote
ra = remote add
rao = remote add origin
ru = remote set-url
ruo = remote set-url origin
# re = remote
rev = remote -v
# fetch
fe = fetch
fep = fetch -p
fo = fetch origin
fop = fetch origin -p
# merge
mr = merge
mnc = merge --no-commit
# msq = merge --squash
# commit
ci = commit
cim = commit -m
「折腾」 git 及 docker 命令快捷输入_电脑网络_沉冰浮水:
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