项目是 tp5.1
Error while sending STMT_CLOSE packet. PID=10471
引起这个问题的 sql 报错有下边这些
PDO::prepare(): send of 93 bytes failed with errno=110 Connection timed out
think\db\Connection::free(): send of 9 bytes failed with errno=110 Connection timed out
try {
// 调试开始
// 预处理
$this->PDOStatement = $this->linkID->prepare($sql);
// 是否为存储过程调用
$procedure = in_array(strtolower(substr(trim($sql), 0, 4)), ['call', 'exec']);
// 参数绑定
if ($procedure) {
} else {
// 执行查询
// 调试结束
$this->debug(false, '', $master);
// 返回结果集
return $this->getResult($pdo, $procedure);
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
if ($this->isBreak($e)) {
return $this->close()->query($sql, $bind, $master, $pdo);
throw new PDOException($e, $this->config, $this->getLastsql());
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
if ($this->isBreak($e)) {
return $this->close()->query($sql, $bind, $master, $pdo);
throw $e;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if ($this->isBreak($e)) {
return $this->close()->query($sql, $bind, $master, $pdo);
throw $e;
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