我把 @
AstroProfundis 的评论翻译给Edis的人了,在IRC上得到的回复:
"We and and our upstream try to avoid issues to China, we have a HKIX connection to get to most "open" asian peers (Vietnam, Singapore, HK etc.), NTT for Asian transit, Telia for EU bound and some (Telia expands more in Asia now) Asian traffic. China is special due to the prohibitive high cost of transit in HK by the Chinese oligopoly and the oversold links, so we only have limited capacity directly in HK."
大意: 我们和带宽提供商都试图减少到大陆连接的麻烦。我们通过香港互聯網交換中心和亚洲互联网开放的国家/地区(越南、新加坡和香港本地)连通。亚洲其它区域的连通是日本NTT的。到欧洲用的是Telia,但其也提供小部分的亚洲带宽。中国大陆是个特例,因为建立直达带宽(估计是和电信联通)peering的费用极高,通道也拥挤,所以我们直达大陆的带宽很有限。