Stable Diffusion Apple Silicon 懒人包 Charl-E 报错

2022-09-11 22:13:06 +08:00
myneodream  myneodream

* File "urllib/", line 1391, in https_open File "urllib/", line 1351, in do_open urllib.error.URLError: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:997)> [8995] Failed to execute script 'txt2img' due to unhandled exception!
* File "http/", line 975, in send File "http/", line 1454, in connect File "", line 513, in wrap_socket File "", line 1071, in _create File "", line 1342, in do_handshake
* File "http/", line 1282, in request File "http/", line 1328, in _send_request File "http/", line 1277, in endheaders File "http/", line 1037, in _send_output
* Traceback (most recent call last): File "urllib/", line 1348, in do_open
* Downloading: "" to /Users/dengxinrong/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/checkpoint_liberty_with_aug.pth
* torch/ UserWarning: Unable to retrieve source for @torch.jit._overload function: <function _DenseLayer.forward at 0x1557fb760>. warnings.warn(f"Unable to retrieve source for @torch.jit._overload function: {func}.")
* torch/ UserWarning: Unable to retrieve source for @torch.jit._overload function: <function _DenseLayer.forward at 0x1557fb5b0>. warnings.warn(f"Unable to retrieve source for @torch.jit._overload function: {func}.")
* torchvision/io/ UserWarning: Failed to load image Python extension:
* [8993] WARNING: file already exists but should not: /var/folders/vy/rcg0l03n3fgfcdcrylfgdc3m0000gn/T/_MEI4ASBsV/torch/
* [8993] WARNING: file already exists but should not: /var/folders/vy/rcg0l03n3fgfcdcrylfgdc3m0000gn/T/_MEI4ASBsV/torch/
* [8993] WARNING: file already exists but should not: /var/folders/vy/rcg0l03n3fgfcdcrylfgdc3m0000gn/T/_MEI4ASBsV/torch/
* [8993] WARNING: file already exists but should not: /var/folders/vy/rcg0l03n3fgfcdcrylfgdc3m0000gn/T/_MEI4ASBsV/pyarrow/
* [8990] WARNING: file already exists but should not: /var/folders/vy/rcg0l03n3fgfcdcrylfgdc3m0000gn/T/_MEIrDn2mz/torch/
* [8990] WARNING: file already exists but should not: /var/folders/vy/rcg0l03n3fgfcdcrylfgdc3m0000gn/T/_MEIrDn2mz/torch/
* [8990] WARNING: file already exists but should not: /var/folders/vy/rcg0l03n3fgfcdcrylfgdc3m0000gn/T/_MEIrDn2mz/torch/
* [8990] WARNING: file already exists but should not: /var/folders/vy/rcg0l03n3fgfcdcrylfgdc3m0000gn/T/_MEIrDn2mz/pyarrow/
1640 次点击
所在节点   Stable Diffusion  Stable Diffusion
1 条回复
2022-09-12 07:12:46 +08:00
这不是写着么,下载的时 SSL 证书出错了。给你的命令行环境翻个墙吧。

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