#cpan https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/S/SR/SRI/Mojolicious-7.31.tar.gz
#cpanm -n Mojolicious@7.31
use feature ':5.10';
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Mojo;
use Encode qw(decode encode);
$ENV{MOJO_REACTOR} = 'Mojo::Reactor::EV';
#使用 EV 具有更好的性能
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
#适当延长超时的时间,阻止过早的 http 请求失败,会有更好的性能
#最大连接数 1000
#阻止 http3xx 重定向
$ua->transactor->name('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0');
#使用正常浏览器的 user agent
$ua->cookie_jar->ignore( sub { 1 } );
#禁用 Mojo::UserAgent 自动处理 cookie
my @list = ();
my @urllist = ();
my $n = 0;
my $m = 0;
my $produce_num = 0;
my $consumer_num = 0;
my $cookie_num = 0;
#cookie 数量
my @cookielist = ();
#使用的 cookie 队列
my %cookieinvalid = ();
#失效的 cookie 散列
open FILEIN, '<', "./url.txt" or die "$!";
while (<FILEIN>) {
my $content = $_;
$content =~ s/\r//;
push( @list, $content );
close FILEIN;
sub append_txt_to_file {
my $file_name = $_[0];
my $txt = $_[1];
local *FH;
open FH, '>>', $file_name;
print FH $txt;
close FH;
sub write_txt_to_file {
my $file_name = $_[0];
my $txt = $_[1];
local *FH;
open FH, '>', $file_name;
print FH $txt;
close FH;
my %safe_character = (
'<' => '<',
'>' => '>',
':' => ':',
'"' => '"',
'/' => '/',
'\\' => '\',
'|' => '|',
'?' => '?',
'*' => '*',
sub repace_safe {
my $per_char = $_[0];
my $one_txt = $_[1];
my $output_char;
if ( exists $safe_character{$per_char} ) {
$output_char = $safe_character{$per_char};
else {
$output_char = $per_char;
return $output_char;
sub find {
my $html_bin = $_[0];
my $id = $_[1];
if ( $html_bin =~ m/<\/html>/ ) {
return '####';
else {
return '@@@';
sub get_multiplex {
my $id = $_[0];
my $delay = Mojo::IOLoop->delay( sub { get_multiplex($id) } );
#get_multiplex 递归迭代的开始标记
#$id 是每一个线程(端口的序号)
my $end = $delay->begin;
Mojo::IOLoop->timer( 0.1 => $delay->begin );
#每个 http 请求前暂停 0.1s
if ( scalar @urllist == 0 ) {
if ( $produce_num == $consumer_num ) {
#当队列数量为 0 ,且所有的线程数据都处理完毕的时候,终止事件循环
#return 存在一个递归返回链,这里可以更快地结束
#这里返回后异步任务数量为 0 时,系统会自动结束异步循环,不过速度较慢
#return 返回闭包函数的开始,并结束闭包函数,下面不开启递归自身
else {
my $object = shift @urllist;
my $url = $object;
my $filename = $object;
$filename =~ s/^http:\/\/www\.bing\.com\/w\///m;
$filename =~ s/(.)/repace_safe($1)/eg;
$filename = "./www.bing.com/" . $filename . ".html";
if ( -e $filename ) {
syswrite STDERR, encode( 'utf8', $n . "\t" . $object . "\t 跳过\n" ); #STDOUT 编码已改,输送到 STDOUT 会出现错误
else {
my $build_tx = $ua->build_tx( GET => $url );
$build_tx->req->headers->add( 'Accept' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8' );
$build_tx->req->headers->add( 'Accept-Language' => 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,zh-TW;q=0.7,zh-HK;q=0.5,en-US;q=0.3,en;q=0.2' );
$ua->transactor->name( 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:' . int( rand(900) ) . ') Gecko/' . int( rand(40000001) ) . ' Firefox/' . int( rand(900) ) . '.0' );
#使用 2 万个 cookie
$build_tx => sub {
my ( $ua, $tx ) = @_;
if ( !$tx->is_finished ) {
push( @urllist, $object );
syswrite STDERR, "http 传输未完成" . "\n";
syswrite STDERR, encode( 'utf8', $url . "\t" . $tx->error->{message} . "\n" );
else {
my $code = '';
$code = $tx->res->code if defined $tx->res->code;
if ( $code =~ /\A2/ ) {
my $size = $tx->res->content->asset->size;
my $content_length = $tx->res->headers->to_hash->{'Content-Length'};
if ( ( $size == $content_length ) || !( defined $content_length ) ) {
my $outnum = find( $tx->res->body, $id );
if ( $outnum ne '@@@' ) {
append_txt_to_file( "url.txt", $object . "\t" . $outnum . "\n" );
write_txt_to_file( $filename, $tx->res->body );
syswrite STDERR, encode( 'utf8', $n . "\t" . $object . "\n" );
else {
syswrite STDERR, encode( 'utf8', $m . "\t" . $object . "\t 网页下载完整但未提取到数据\n" );
else {
push( @urllist, $object );
syswrite STDERR, encode( 'utf8', $m . "\t" . $object . "\t 网页未下载完整\n" );
elsif ( $code =~ /\A4/ ) {
syswrite STDERR, encode( 'utf8', $m . "\t" . $object . "\thttp 4xx\n" );
push( @urllist, $object );
Mojo::IOLoop->timer( 0.5 => $delay->begin );
#http 404
else {
push( @urllist, $object );
syswrite STDERR, encode( 'utf8', $m . "\t" . $object . "\t 未发现 http code, http 3xx, http 5xx\n" );
#标记失效的从 cookie http 3xx
Mojo::IOLoop->timer( 0.5 => $delay->begin );
#服务器返回 5xx ,暂停 0.5s
#未发现 http code, http 302, http 503
#get_multiplex 递归迭代的结束标记
#从这里跳转到下一个 get_multiplex
$produce_num = 0;
$consumer_num = 0;
@urllist = @list;
foreach my $id ( 1 .. 50 ) { get_multiplex($id) }
#使用 50 个线程(端口)下载
#如果线程数是 100 ,限制最大 cookie 数无法生效,并且 EV 会出现错误
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