在 Chrome 商店发了一个浏览器插件,经常收到要商业化的邮件

2022-10-17 17:17:32 +08:00
当初为了自己使用方便,写了一个格式化 JSON 的浏览器插件发到了 Chrome 商店,陆陆续续收到很多邮件,要商业化。从来未回复过,但是一直换邮箱给我发

本人是后端,这个插件没有任何技术难度,搜索排名也不靠前,用户才 8000 多,最大的问题是插件未申请任何权限,想不通他们要我插件有何用处?

按邮件所说:1000 用户每月 500 刀,那我每个月能获得 4000 刀,搞的我都有点心动了

插件地址: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/jsonviewer/khbdpaabobknhhlpglenglkkhdmkfnca



3355 次点击
所在节点    Chrome
24 条回复
2022-10-18 11:19:19 +08:00

> Hello

> I am Rebecca and I am offering monetization for browser extensions, with everything that is going on our team was extremely focused and productive in creating a new way to earn revenue on extensions.

> We offer to change default search to our Bing or Yahoo feed on your extension which can earn up to $50 per 1000 searches. This is a premium product by invitation only and can easily be added to your chrome extension.
You are might curious to know if it is allowed? And I must say that this is completely allowed by the chrome store! Please reply to this email to discuss this further!

> Looking forward hearing from you!

> Rebecca Almanac

> Business Development Manager
2022-10-18 11:25:16 +08:00
灰产,会让你找个借口加上收集用户数据之类功能,很明显是违反 chrome store 规约的
2022-10-18 11:28:02 +08:00
国外的用户,习惯了觉得是好软件 就付费的习惯。所以有很多做营销的公司,群发邮件给做 APP 或者浏览器插件的公司,或者个人。
2022-10-19 16:45:37 +08:00

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