Web3.0 招聘技术 VP/CTO,工作地点: home base,英语口语流利,薪水(具体可谈)

2022-10-18 22:38:40 +08:00
技术语言:Go ,前端技术:React ,需要有 web 3.0 的项目经验,智能合约
团队管理能力:希望至少 10 人以上团队管理经验

#web3.0 #solidity
1.Build and lead an outstanding developer team.
2.Staying on top of web3 trends and developments
3.5 years working in a technical role.
4.3 years of managerial experience.
5.Excellent English read and written communication.
6.Experience with crypto industry especially in NFT related business
7.Experience running your own startup or high-growth organization is a plus
8.Previous experience in network and/or cloud engineering is a plus.
9.Previous experience in contributing to open-source projects is a plus.

简历请发: daisyzhao@greatconsulting.club
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