UTM 虚拟机软件 4.0.8 发布了

2022-10-20 09:31:32 +08:00

随着不断的迭代更新,现在 utm 越来越好用了,免费开源,个人感觉如果不玩游戏的话已经达到几乎完美的程度了,新版安装 win11 直接可以跳过 tpm 检测,安装驱动也更方便了,我几乎从这东西发布就一直在用,推荐没用过的试一试

更新内容: Multiple display and headless display is now supported for QEMU machines. You can configure 0 or more displays as well as 0 or more builtin terminal consoles. On macOS, a new window will be created for each display and builtin terminal. On iOS, you can create multiple windows (iPad) as well as plug in an external display or AirPlay (iPad or iPhone) and assign outputs to each window.

Ventura updates to Virtualization. macOS Ventura introduces new features that is now integrated into UTM. You can now create GUI Linux VMs with EFI boot. Directory sharing now works with macOS Ventura guests. Rosetta x86_64 emulation is supported for Linux VMs on Apple Silicon. Check out https://docs.getutm.app/guides/debian/ for an installation guide. Note that base M1 chip users may experience issues that will be addressed in a future update.

VirtFS sharing for QEMU. This alternative directory sharing backend is supported by Linux and can have better performance. Note that macOS UID are numbered differently than Linux so you may have to run chown in the guest. Check out https://docs.getutm.app/guest-support/linux/ for more details.

Easier Windows 10/11 installation and Windows guest tools downloader. You can now download and mount the Windows drivers and guest tools ISO image with a single click (macOS: disk icon in VM window, iOS: 3D touch context menu on home screen). Additionally, the ISO now include an "Autounattend.xml" which is recognized by the Windows 10/11 installer. When mounted to a second CD drive, the installer will install the correct drivers, bypass secure boot/TPM requirements, and launch the SPICE tools installer on first login.

(macOS) Resize QEMU disk images. In the drives settings page, you can now expand the size of the QCOW2 disk image.

(iOS) QEMU Virtualization for M1 iPad. With the release of TrollStore, you can now enable Hypervisor on iOS. Note that only M1 hardware and kernel have support for Hypervisor. iOS 14.4.2-14.5.1 is supported only on M1 iPad Pro jailbroken with fugu14/unc0ver. iOS 14.0-15.5b4 is supported on any M1 iPad running TrollStore.

New documentation site. https://docs.getutm.app/ is the home of the official UTM documentation.

New localization. Thanks to various community members, UTM is now translated to: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Finnish, French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish (Latin America)

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49 条回复
2022-10-21 21:34:32 +08:00
@bao3 #40 Jitterbug 还需要连接电脑开启的,不能独立开启。
2022-10-21 23:35:20 +08:00
@qq316107934 也没人说 JIT 是独立开启,难道你原话不是说 JIT 无法打开?而且 Jirrerbug 并不一定非要电脑…… 我的问题是承接你说的“JIT 无法打开”,所以才问“这算不算打开”
2022-10-21 23:52:48 +08:00
@bao3 #34 问题是如果你单纯的讨论开启 JIT 加速,既不需要 ios 15 也不需要 trollstore ,不太理解为啥在你回复中前面的定语后面加了一句“还”能打开 JIT 。连起来理解会有种安装 trollstore 后打开 JIT 比之前更简便的感觉
2022-10-22 00:31:59 +08:00
刚才去看了下,4.0.9 版本出了,但是 release 里面还没有 mac 版本,估计是 ci 还没有打包完成
2022-10-22 07:08:33 +08:00
@findex 对,4.0.8 的 usb 有个 bug
2022-10-22 09:20:20 +08:00
Mac M2 想用 linux 虚拟机推荐使用什么软件啊,用 vm 一直安装不成功
2022-10-22 10:25:57 +08:00
@qq316107934 如果你在讨论中文语义 的话,不知道有没有学过,“还”也表并列。
“你说了不能开 JIT ,还说了不用 ios15 也能开”。已经能解答从关于“可以装 Troll Store ,还能打开 JIT”
2022-10-22 12:39:41 +08:00
@Artio 你要安装 arm 版的 linux ,x86 是不行的,用 vm 和 utm 都可以
265 天前
@bao3 如何在 UTM 中模拟 STM32 环境啊?有一个安装在板子上的程序,想直接在 iOS 手机上运行。

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