为什么 VMware 默认是 2vCPU, 1vCore per CPU 而不是 1vCPU, 2vCore?有什么讲究吗?

2022-10-24 21:02:58 +08:00
edis0n0  edis0n0

本来以为只有 Linux 是这样,没想到全都是这样,想知道为什么

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2 条回复
2022-10-24 21:10:28 +08:00
方便跨 NUMA 吧
2022-10-25 08:47:03 +08:00
Recommended Practices
#1 When creating a virtual machine, by default, vSphere will create as many virtual sockets as you’ve requested vCPUs and the cores per socket is equal to one. I think of this configuration as “wide” and “flat.” This will enable vNUMA to select and present the best virtual NUMA topology to the guest operating system, which will be optimal on the underlying physical topology.

#2 When you must change the cores per socket though, commonly due to licensing constraints, ensure you mirror physical server’s NUMA topology. This is because when a virtual machine is no longer configured by default as “wide” and “flat,” vNUMA will not automatically pick the best NUMA configuration based on the physical server, but will instead honor your configuration – right or wrong – potentially leading to a topology mismatch that does affect performance.

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