.one 域名下个月将翻倍涨价

2022-11-06 23:09:48 +08:00
Ettup  Ettup

This is a notification to let you know that the registry will be increasing prices for .ONE domains starting on December 1, 2022. Unfortunately, this means that all registrars, along with NameSilo, will need to do the same. We are contacting you because you have active or expired .ONE domains in your account.

  1. Price changes:Everyday Registration of new .ONE domains is going up from $7.99 USD per year to $15.99 USD per year. Please note that the current promotional price of $1.98 on new standard registrations will continue until November 30, 2022.Everyday Renewal of .ONE domain is going up from $7.99 USD per domain to $15.99 USD per domain.Everyday Transfer of .ONE domain is going up from $7.49 USD per domain to $14.99 USD per domain.

  2. Timelines - these new prices will go into effect starting December 1, 2022

  3. Mitigation - to help you mitigate these increases as much as possible, we are advising you register any .ONE domain(s) that hold your interest at the price of $1.98 and renew them for up to 9 years at the price of $7.99 before November 30th to take advantage of the current low prices.

DeepL 的中文翻译:

这是一个通知,让你知道注册处将在 2022 年 12 月 1 日开始提高.ONE 域名的价格。不幸的是,这意味着所有的注册商,连同 NameSilo ,都需要做同样的事情。我们与您联系是因为您的账户里有活跃或过期的.ONE 域名。

  1. 价格变化。新的.ONE 域名的日常注册将从每年 7.99 美元上涨到每年 15.99 美元。请注意,目前新标准注册的促销价格为 1.98 美元,将持续到 2022 年 11 月 30 日。.ONE 域名的日常续费将从每个域名 7.99 美元上涨到 15.99 美元。.ONE 域名的日常转让将从每个域名 7.49 美元涨到 14.99 美元。

  2. 时间表 - 这些新的价格将从 2022 年 12 月 1 日开始生效

  3. 缓解措施 - 为了帮助你尽可能地缓解这些增长,我们建议你以 1.98 美元的价格注册任何你感兴趣的.ONE 域名,并在 11 月 30 日之前以 7.99 美元的价格续期 9 年,以利用当前的低价。

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6 条回复
2022-11-06 23:10:29 +08:00
Cloudflare 恐成最大输家!
2022-11-06 23:11:19 +08:00
2022-11-06 23:33:15 +08:00

含泪续费了 3 年,在想要不要再多续费几年
2022-11-06 23:40:37 +08:00
2022-11-07 04:03:42 +08:00
@estk hahah
2022-11-08 03:15:07 +08:00
学费米 没人用

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