[NVIDIA 英伟达] [上海] [高级车载安卓开发工程师]

2022-11-14 10:20:09 +08:00

简历投递邮箱: xiaozhao@nvidia.com 备注 姓名+岗位


We are looking for specialist Automotive System SW Engineers based in Shanghai to work closely with NVIDIA global team to develop and deliver Centralized Car Computer platform SW to OEMs, Tier1 and engage customer design and develop Autonomous driving ECU production.

[ What you will be doing:]

1 、Bring extensive development experience and a passion for innovation

2 、Engaged with outstanding Autonomous driving and Centralized Car Computer customers to provide customized product features, technical support for scalable autonomous driving computing platform from L2 to L5 as well as Centralized Car Computer platform, analyze complex autonomous & Cockpit technical issues as well as independently driving resolution across multiple teams.

3 、You will develop and deliver software for Centralized Car Computer Platform based on NVIDIA Thor SOC and next generation SOC.

4 、Communicate readily with your peers across the organization, building relationships and collaborating effectively

[ What we need to see:]

1 、Have a BS or MS in EE/CS or related field (or additional equivalent experience) with 5+ year of significant work and product experience.

2 、Have a deep understanding about Android Automotive operating system and programming languages in C++ and C

3 、Have experience working on sophisticated automotive systems on the Android Automotive BSP, drivers and Android Automotive HAL (e.g Display, Graphics, Audio, BT/WiFi, VHAL, Power etc). Have virtualization/Hypervisor and display virtualization, Audio Virtualization development experience is a plus

4 、Be familiar with ARM architecture and debugging Android system performance and stability issues.

5 、Have ability to debug at board and chip level and appropriate probing hardware.

6 、Have ability to written and oral interpersonal skills in English.

[ Ways to stand out from the crowd:]

1 、You are self-motivated and work optimally across different functional teams.

2 、Good communication and organization skills, with a logical approach to problem solving, good time management and task prioritization.

3 、You have experience with Automotive SPICE and/or ISO26262 standard will help you to ramp up quickly in our exciting autonomous driving and CCC customer projects.

4 、Prior experience working in the following areas: Automotive Infotainment and Cockpit.

5 、You are dedicated and able to work with a minimum of supervision.

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