坐标上海大虹桥,头部外资医疗,科创超算平台(AI &机器学习相关)算法高级工程师
2022-11-18 15:41:36 +08:00

基本薪资+丰厚奖金+补充公积金+餐补车补+长期激励储蓄计划+丰厚的职场培训补贴,薪资预算最高可以 1M+的,有符合基本条件的可以随时+V 联系:Nivi002
Title:(Sr) Platform Engineer/Architect - China Scientific & Innovation Foundation
Desirable at least 5 years of administering Linux HPC environments.
Master’s degree or above in High-Performance Computing, Computer Science, Machine Learning, or related field
● Solid understanding of Scientific Computing Platforms such as EFLOPS, Kubeflow (Must), Airflow, Sagemaker, Azure ML, Databricks Unified ML, Dataiku, or GCP AI Framework.
● Solid understanding of HPC schedulers, job optimization, and best practices
● Knowledge of parallel programming techniques and tuning, CUDA, MPI, or OpenMPI.
● Experience compiling, delivering, and supporting software codes on an HPC cluster
● Experience with artifact repositories, secrets management & container orchestration
● Workload management, queue configuration (e.g. LSF, EFLOPS, SLURM, Torque).
● Experience with deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch, and Tensorflow.
● Excellent problem-solving skills.
● Working with Parallel File Systems (e.g. Lustre, GPFS) and Scale-out NAS (e.g. Netapp, Isilon) is a plus
Operating System:
● Solid understanding of Linux operating system fundamentals.
● Experience with Linux builds and packaging tools (Make, CMake, Easybuild, RPM, Yum).
● Extensive use of infrastructure automation tools and configuration management
● Experience in AWS-managed services (EKS, ECS, etc) to accelerate software development
● Cloud technologies, infrastructure/platform as a service, AWS, Ali, Google.
● Experienced in engineering and coding skills, and ability to write quality code/scripts. Prior experience with Python and Bash is a must. C, C++, Perl, or Java, is a plus
● Experience in software development and application lifecycle management
● Experience in working with source control management systems such as Git
1781 次点击
3 条回复
2022-11-21 10:42:07 +08:00
update 一下,医疗行业不是必须,但高性能计算方向的项目经验是必须哈,感谢这边来咨询的老铁们的支持~
2022-11-21 18:03:33 +08:00
2022-11-21 18:57:40 +08:00
genesys 机器学习是大方向吧,细化来说暂时是只看做过高性能计算方向的哦,谢谢关注
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