yushiro 谢谢你的回复哈,我再阐述的明确些
win下写代码 我想能快速实时能够看到代码的效果 按照你的方法 我就得不断的 git push 到ubuntu ,我嫌这个方式比较繁琐啦! 仅此而已...
我的理想方式就是能够 在win下部署一个和生产环境一样的开发环境 能够在win下写代码然后马上可以预览到效果 而我理想的生产环境又是基于ubuntu的 所以这里有些冲突了
主要是最新准备看看 meteor 发现按照之前的做法貌似压根就没法运行,提示错误
[[[[[ ~/Project/myapp ]]]]]
Unexpected mongo exit code 100. Restarting.
Unexpected mongo exit code 100. Restarting.
Initializing mongo database... this may take a moment.
Unexpected mongo exit code 100. Restarting.
Can't start mongod
MongoDB had an unspecified uncaught exception.
This can be caused by MongoDB being unable to write to a local database.
Check that you have permissions to write to .meteor/local. MongoDB does
not support filesystems like NFS that do not allow file locking.
making hard links in helloworld-2013.2.dev1.gc66465f...
hard linking .testr.conf -> helloworld-2013.2.dev1.gc66465f
error: Operation not permitted
ln: failed to create hard link `Project/lnmp1.0-full.tar.gz' => `lnmp1.0-full.tar.gz': Invalid cross-device link
说白了就是 VirtualBox 的共享文件夹(Shared Folders) 的问题了...