求教 7zip 如何利用命令行来压缩某路径下的特定文件夹?

2022-12-02 17:00:48 +08:00
| |-c_M202210_(随机数串)
| |-c_M202209_(随机数串)
| |-c_M202208_(随机数串)
| |-c_M202207_(随机数串)
| |-c_M202210_(随机数串)
| |-c_M202209_(随机数串)
| |-c_M202208_(随机数串)

想利用命令行把包含 M202210 的文件夹打包,怎么做呢

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6 条回复
2022-12-02 20:59:05 +08:00
set copy_target_path=e:\A1\c_M202210_\
set targetfile=*.docx

for /f "delims=" %%s in ('dir /b/a-d/s "%target_path%"\"%targetfile%"') do (
echo %%s
7z a "%%s.7z" "%%s"
2022-12-03 00:06:56 +08:00
-i Include filenames a, d, e, l, t, u, x, -r, -x
-i[<recurse_type>]<file_ref> <recurse_type> ::= r[- | 0] <file_ref> ::= @{listfile} | !{wildcard}

Specifies how wildcards and file names in this switch must be used. If this option is not given, then the global value, assigned by the -r (Recurse) switch will be used. For more details see specification of the -r (Recurse) switch.

<recurse_type> ::= r[- | 0]

Specifies filenames and wildcards, or a list file, for files to be processed.

<file_ref> ::= @{listfile} | !{wildcard}

Option Description
{listfile} Specifies name of list file. See List file description.
{wildcard} Specifies wildcard or filename.
7z a -tzip src.zip *.txt -ir!DIR1\*.cpp adds to src.zip archive all *.txt files from current directory and all *.cpp files from directory DIR1 and from all it's subdirectories
2022-12-03 14:16:11 +08:00
如 2#,7z 的-r 开关就是干这事的。
2022-12-16 11:30:51 +08:00
@lchynn 这个只能备份 A1,但是也要备份 A2 或者其他的?

@leido 这个怎么-r 结合到一起吗
2022-12-16 14:22:46 +08:00
set copy_target_path=e:\A1\c_M202210_\
set targetfile=*.docx

for /f "delims=" %%s in ('dir /b/a-d/s "%target_path%"\"%targetfile%"') do (
echo %%s
7z a "%%s.7z" "%%s"

后面可以直接替换成-r 吗
2022-12-16 15:38:34 +08:00
@sjmcefc2 带目录要试一下, 我没试过, 我一般就是用来压缩备份单个文件。用 DIR 筛出后 FOR 循环压缩

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