iPadOS16.2 正式版 AirDrop 也更改为仅 10 分钟

2022-12-14 14:01:48 +08:00

之前那次紧急更新都没有波及到 iPad ,以为 iPad 不在这个 airdrop 功能优化范畴之内。更新完傻眼了。


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所在节点    iPadOS
1 条回复
2022-12-14 14:52:21 +08:00

引用 https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/11/10/apple-plans-to-expand-airdrop-time-limit-to-customers-worldwide 里的一个评论, 看看里面的新闻,这可不是国内的媒体。。。

Before jumping into "Apple is taking orders from the Chinese government" theories, there may be other perfectly reasonable reasons for this change. Like, for instance, the fact that AirDrop has been used as a medium for sending obscene images to strangers. Some news stories:

1. https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/mesa-teen-sent-violent-pornographic-content-to-high-school-students-via-apples-airdrop-feature-police-say
2. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-05-12/cyber-flashing-porn-sent-to-iphones-using-airdrop/11092974
3. https://news.yahoo.com/video-students-having-sex-airdropped-202830068.html
4. https://nypost.com/2022/06/27/man-sends-penis-pic-to-all-passengers-on-plane-gets-outed-on-tiktok/

By preventing phones from being set to "Everyone" at all times, you block most of this, since the attackers will only be able to send to people who already have him in their contacts list.

FWIW, I leave my devices set to "Contacts Only" precisely because I don't want any possibility of a stranger sending me anything. I can share content with my friends and relatives, and that's plenty.

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