
2022-12-14 20:45:49 +08:00

首条相关 Twitter 指出“主数据库崩溃”发生于太平洋时间 12 月 11 日 07:30 (北京时间 12 月 11 日 23:30 )。

On Dec 11 at 7:30 PST, our main database crashed & corrupted some of the data. This is unplanned & we've been working around the clock to restore it. It's a painstakingly slow process given the scale of data. We unfortunately have no ETA but we're doing everything we can.

次日 Trakt 表示恢复需要时间,目前已将数据导出。

Still working on the database. No ETA at this time. It’s slow going since the database sever is so large and all operations take a very long time to complete. Thanks for your continued patience.

We’re making progress, but still slow going. Data is being ported to a new database server.

第三日(今日),Trakt 表示正在调用备份,并将其与非用户数据合并中,

We were able to restore a baseline database backup & are importing data added between that backup & Dec 11. First up is refreshing TV show & movie metadata. We're currently working on the user data. There is some corruption, but we're working to save all that we can.

目前除 feedback 服务,其他所有服务状态均为 Down ,截至发帖共计 54 小时 33 分钟。


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3 条回复
2022-12-15 05:44:16 +08:00
We've been able to partially restore user data & are working on completing that process. Metadata has refreshed & will continue to keep the movies/shows in sync w/ TMDB. We need updated metadata so that restored user data can match up correctly. Existing Trakt IDs are retained.
2022-12-15 16:13:36 +08:00

User Data Partially Restored + Metadata Refreshed
We've been able to partially restore user data and are working on completing that process. Metadata has been refreshed and will continue to keep the movies/shows in sync with TMDB. We need updated metadata so that restored user data can match up correctly. Existing Trakt IDs have been retained.


Date Restore Ongoing
Data restore is still ongoing. It’s slow, but promising. Scheduled tasks like TMDB metadata and watch now links are running so the site will be up to date when it’s back online. We’ll have a more detailed update tomorrow.
2022-12-15 21:50:13 +08:00

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