最近在好几个地方看到有人兜售辉瑞新冠药物 Paxlovid 的仿制药,忍不住上来发个贴吐槽一下。
首先,Paxlovid 确实是有一定效果,真的获得辉瑞授权的仿制药也是会有效果。但问题就在于,这些人网上兜售的是不知什么来路的厂家生产的非授权仿制药。我看到的,主要有 Azista 和 Strica 这两家厂。印度有 19 家获得仿制授权的药厂,而 Azista 和 Strica 根本就不在授权名单里。换句话来说,这种是来路不明的假的仿制药。
我去搜 Azista 和 Strica 的英文资料时,几乎没找不到这两家药厂的有效信息,反而是找到 BMJ 上 The black market for covid-19 antiviral drugs (黑市上的新冠抗病毒药) (
https://www.bmj.com/content/377/bmj.o1282) 这篇报道。
这报道里面提到了 Azista 这个黑市上的非授权药,具体可以点进去看看:
“Azista and Merit are not among those companies, and it is unlikely they have been tested for bioequivalence, says Andrea Taylor, assistant director of programmes at Duke University.”
“If the drugs have not been tested for bioequivalence they may be substandard, which means less of the drug gets into the bloodstream and there is a risk of reduced efficacy, says Paul Newton, head of the Medicine Quality Research Group at the Infectious Disease Data Observatory. The BMJ contacted Azista and Merit Organics with these allegations but did not receive a response.”
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