收到 Notification From Google,是不是意味着谷歌会把我的信息 泄露出去?

2022-12-30 20:02:16 +08:00
bbsabc2  bbsabc2


Dear Google User,

On July 2, 2019, Google received legal process issued by the United States District Court Southern District of New York directing Google to produce records related to Google accounts that are linked (to) or associated with a specified identifier. You are receiving this email because Google’s response to the legal process on July 12, 2019 included information about your account. A court order previously prohibited Google from notifying you of the legal process. We are now permitted to disclose the receipt of the legal process to you. The agency reference number or case number on the legal process is 2019R00864, 19MAG6198.

For more information about how Google handles legal process, view our transparency report at http://www.google.com/transparencyreport/userdatarequests/legalprocess/.

Google is not in a position to provide you with legal advice or discuss the substance of the legal process. If you have other questions regarding this matter, you may wish to contact an attorney.

Please reply to this email and/or include the case identification number located in the subject line in any further communications regarding this matter.

Regards, Legal Investigations Support Google LLC

You received this announcement to update you about important information in regards to your Google account. © 2021 Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

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2 条回复
2022-12-30 23:42:04 +08:00
谷歌已经把你的信息给法院了啊,19 年的事儿,现在只不过是通知你一声,我个人的意见就是不用在意。
2022-12-31 00:08:58 +08:00
你可以试着用那个 case number 查询案卷,见 https://www.nysd.uscourts.gov/programs/records

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