在 /var/www 目录下无法git clone ,提示 Permission denied (publickey).

2013-11-27 09:45:48 +08:00
我在 /var/www 目录下:
sudo git clone ........

在 /var/www 目录下无法git clone ,提示 :
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

而在 home 目录 下则可以
remote: Counting objects: 1990, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1652/1652), done.
remote: Total 1990 (delta 639), reused 1261 (delta 133)
Receiving objects: 100% (1990/1990), 11.69 MiB | 1.22 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (639/639), done.

请问这是为什么 ?
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2013-11-27 09:59:14 +08:00
chown -R yourname:yourname /var/www
2013-11-27 11:58:08 +08:00
都说了是“Permission denied (publickey).”
你的用户的 publickey 是添加过去了,但是 root 的应该没有吧
你的sudo ……
2013-11-27 12:40:32 +08:00
@ceyes 对 git 不太熟,原来是这样的原因 ,谢谢

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