哇,天上掉馅饼了....大家的gmail有没接过类似的邮件? 我很想告诉第二封的小朋友,你的邮件太不敬业啦,得向 Mrs. Sandra Fisher 看齐...

2013-11-28 01:26:21 +08:00
zhttty  zhttty

My Dear,

I am Mrs. Sandra Fisher, the General auditor and head of computing department of our bank. I have urgent and very confidential business proposition for you. I understand that through Internet is not the best way to link up with you because of the confidentiality which the transaction demands.

I discovered a dormant account in my office, as the general auditor with here in our bank. The account has been dormant and has not been operated for the past seven (7) years. From my investigations and confirmations, the owner of this account, a foreigner by name Mr. Michael B. Thompson, he died in July, 2004 and since then nobody has done anything as regards to claiming of this money because he has no family members who are aware of the existence of neither the account nor the funds. It will be in my interest to transfer this fund worth 10,000,000 million pounds in an account offshore.

This transaction is totally free of risk and as the fund is legitimate and does not originate from drug, money laundry, terrorism or any other illegal act. If you can be a collaborator to this please indicate interest immediately for us to proceed. Your contact phone numbers and full name will be necessary for this effect. On receipt of your response I will furnish you with detailed clarification as it relates to this mutual benefit transaction.

Regards and respect,

General Auditor

Mrs. Sandra Fisher

Email: sandrafish400@gmail.com


I am Sgt Savage James, A US Army Responding To Treatment. Can you be
trusted ? Can I Entrust $10,000,000.00 US Dollars in your care respond to
my private email please: sergeantsavage_james@aol.com

上帝阿,请直接汇 10,000,000 million pounds 到我的账户吧...
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1 条回复
2013-11-28 01:49:24 +08:00

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