DTO Weekly Curations #2 - You Want Modules, Not Microservices

2023-01-16 16:11:01 +08:00

发现并分享有价值的技术文章、资源,每周一发布。由 Pipecraft 整理发布。

DTO = Dev Topics Only | Issue #2 | 2023/01/16

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  1. You Want Modules, Not Microservices | blogs.newardassociates.com | hacker news | 1073 points | 660 comments | lobste.rs | 42 points | 7 comments

  2. The yaml document from hell | ruudvanasseldonk.com | hacker news | 553 points | 348 comments | lobste.rs | 36 points | 15 comments

  3. 我是如何把网站图片 CDN 流量成本压到全网最低(之一)的 | blog.star7th.com | v2ex.com | 263 人收藏 | 176 comments

  4. FOAF:本可以成为 Facebook | linux.cn

  5. 《深入设计模式》网页版 | refactoringguru.cn


  1. 推荐一些我认为认真搞技术的 up 主 | v2ex.com | 1771 人收藏 | 186 comments

  2. Chrome 是怎么判断地址栏输入的东西是不是网址? | zhihu.com

  3. Ask HN: Alternative ways to make money with coding and system skills? | hacker news | 496 points | 282 comments

  4. Ask HN: How do you deploy your side-projects? | hacker news | 50 points | 80 comments

  5. Difference between INT_MAX and __INT_MAX__ in C | stackoverflow.com


  1. 科技爱好者周刊(第 239 期):未来两种人会增加 | ruanyifeng.com

  2. 好工具周刊(第 45 期): CSS Specificity Calculator, Vim Online, Smooth Shadow, Patternify, Icons Pattern | discuss-cn.bestxtools.com

  3. 六个周 | 每周小结(*91): 寻觅意义 | blog.liugezhou.online

  4. #16 Bytes by Alfred 技术双周刊 | alfxjx.zhubai.love

  5. linux_china - Tech Weekly 2023-01-15 | linux-china.davao.page

  6. 开发者简报 #20 | dev.com.cn



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原文链接: https://dto.pipecraft.net/s/svzk3f/dto_weekly_curations_2_you_want_modules

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