livid我相信 @
zhaoxin 的言论已经违背了 V2EX 论坛建立之初的原则,他也不只是针对我说出来这样的话,对楼主三两句就开始冷嘲热讽,戾气极大。建议 Livid 看完这个帖子后做出属于你认为对的决定,我的建议是至少对 @
zhaoxin 做降级处理,或者禁止发言。
另外再回复 @
zhaoxin 一条,你说的新闻媒体,可以参考一下这个:
RTINGS published its findings today and does confirm that the 2C54 firmware objectively worsens the AirPods Pro active noise canceling feature:
“Update 01/10/2020: After updating to Firmware 2C45, we retested the headphones and our results showed a fairly significant drop in isolation performance, primarily in the bass-range. This means that with ANC turned on, these headphones won't do nearly as good a job blocking out the low engine rumbles of planes or buses as they did before this update. This review reflects these changes.”