
2023-02-10 17:44:49 +08:00



问了 OpenAI 感觉不太对,每次问结果都不一样

Here's a regular expression that matches the return value type, function name, and parameter type in C++:

The regular expression uses the following components:

(int|vector<int>|vector<vector<int>>|string|vector<string>|vector<vector<string>>|ListNode\*|vector<ListNode\*>|char|vector<char>|vector<vector<char>>|TreeNode\*|Node\*) matches the return value type, which can be one of the specified types.

\s matches a whitespace character.

(\w+) matches the function name, which is one or more word characters.

\(.*\) matches the parameter list, which is zero or more characters enclosed in parentheses.


vector<int> f(vector<int>& a, TreeNode *b, int d){


    vector<int> arg1 = {};
    TreeNode * arg2 = new TreeNode(xxx);
    int arg3 = 0;
    vector<int> result = f(arg1, arg2, arg3);


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