Talas Solutions – 高级 Python 工程师

2023-02-13 23:05:17 +08:00

Talas Solutions – 高级 Python 工程师

Company Introduction

TALAS.SOLUTIONS is an IT recruiting company that outsources senior developers from China. TALAS clients are small to mid-sized tech companies located in the US and Australia. TALAS helps them extend their existing software development teams with skilled and experienced developers from China. Our developer teams are working with a TALAS Project Manager who will organize and manage the team and who is also the single point of contact towards the client. TALAS clients also have the opportunity to hire developers to work on-site if the demand exists. Our goal is only to provide senior-level developers to guarantee a high-quality output and high satisfaction for our clients. Welcome to visit our website: https://www.talas.solutions

有意者请将英文简历清投递至: adrian.ding@talas.solutionsadrian.chiubing@gmail.com

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1 条回复
2023-02-23 09:44:50 +08:00
Hi 顶起。不错的机会。

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