刚买了 Homepod 2,太好用了,不存在拖累网速

2023-02-21 16:59:55 +08:00

先前看到 v 站说 homepod 2拖累网速,一直迟迟不敢买,今天下定决心定了两台,然后用 2.4g 的网络 setup ,路由器用的 Asus 6E ,强制 MAC 禁止 Homepod ,并且断链 6GE/5G 网络,homepod 目前一直处于 2.4g

但是,目测就算路由器不禁止 MAC 地址,homepod 只要第一次设置的时候设定网络,应该是不会改的。

实际体验:我是 Apple TV 重度用户( PT + NAS + Infuse ),用 Apple TV + Homepod 接管整个 Sony 电视,无延迟。Xbox 和 PS5 延迟也很小,音质体验非常棒。

我甚至怀疑,V 站说 homepod 拖累网速的朋友,确定不是苹果的友商吗?

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所在节点    Apple
32 条回复
2023-02-22 00:29:59 +08:00
是不是开关 airtime fairness 会有影响啊
2023-02-22 00:45:06 +08:00
拖累网速这个,国外 reddit 论坛都骂苹果很多年了,也有实际数据作为支持。这个跟多少的带宽没关系吧,不过不连在 5g 网,强制 2.4g 就无所谓了


- (3) Pairs of OG HomePods, (2) pairs are default audio for (2) Apple TVs, (1) pair are on their own.

- (4) Pairs of HomePod minis, (1) pair is the default audio for an Apple TV, (3) pairs on heir own.

- (5) Apple TVs, (4) 4k gen 1, (1) 4K gen 2, (3) using HomePods as audio, all hardwired to network.

When all my HomePods are connected, I am seeing Wi-Fi speeds anywhere from 30 - 100Mbps. If I keep my phone in the exact same spot, and disconnect all the HomePods and run another speed test, I will see speeds from 300 - 550Mbps on Wi-Fi. Plug all the HomePods back in and back to slow speeds. I have tried plugging in a pair of HomePods one at a time to see if there was a specific HomePod causing the issue, but I can never seem to get consistent results, other than I am seeing slow Wi-Fi speeds when all the HomePods are connected.

Running the following network equipment:

- Araknis 310 Router

- Araknis 310 Managed 24-port core switch

- Araknis 210 PoE 16-port switch (off the core switch)

- Araknis 110 16-port switch (off the core switch)

- (2) Araknis 810 Access Point (off the PoE switch)

I have since swapped the 810 access points with Eero PoE 6 access points. I will say that speeds improved when using Eero, but seeing the exact same results.
2023-02-22 00:57:57 +08:00
@MID 我的 homepod 一直连在 5G 网,我是没发现拖累网速过
2023-02-22 01:03:28 +08:00
@glorywiings 有没有一种可能是你队网络速度需求没有那么敏感。reddit 上很多人做过 5G 对比测试,影响网速这个基本是公认的事实了。苹果之所以不考虑这个,是因为默认用户有很多路由 mesh 吧,要是是一台路由器,连接 5G 网络,铁定影响网速。
2023-02-22 09:00:37 +08:00
2023-02-22 10:44:26 +08:00
说降速的估计没有 TV 再加上路由器固件兼容水平拉胯,原因是 HomePod 会占用路由器一根天线部分时域上的资源
2023-02-22 11:34:59 +08:00
家里 homepod mini 连的 5G ,倒是没发现
2023-02-22 14:53:03 +08:00
@zhaidoudou123 解释起来比较麻烦,可以去看看这个帖子: https://www.v2ex.com/t/912819
2023-02-22 16:40:58 +08:00
楼主用 apple tv 本地看片用什么音响都一样,压根就不支持次时代音轨直通,只能 LPCM
2023-02-23 22:51:58 +08:00
2023-02-24 15:19:05 +08:00
@MID 铁什么定,我就一台路由用 5G ,测速都是满速
2023-10-07 13:54:16 +08:00
@MID Apple TV 连电视机的 HDMI 口是 ARC 还是 eARC ?如果是 ARC ,会影响其他设备( PS/Xbox )音频输出到 HomePod 吗?

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